Resonate is a project designed and delivered by the Oh Yeah Music Centre in Belfast, it is funded through the Education Authority’s Regional Programme Funding.
The main aims of the Resonate programme are:
To provide creative support to local youth provisions
To increase the access to music and creative arts for young people
To support the provision of safe places for young people to express themselves and get creative!
We are passionate that every young person should have the opportunity to engage with music and that all music education should be accessible for all.
This website is designed with youth workers in mind, here youth workers will find downloadable PDFs that have themed activities that can be used with groups to initiate discussions about specific themes. Once discussions have begun, there are videos that will give step by step support in how to write a song with groups, how to create melodies and beats and how to record with equipment and software that is not really expensive! In addition, there are videos about various elements of music theory and music making that can be used with youth groups.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please get in touch by emailing